The Premise...

  • ***Make no craft purchases December 1, 2010 to November 30 2011
  • ***Use and create from existing supplies only
  • ***Small purchases to continue crafting (such as sewing needles) are acceptable
  • ***Trading items with others is legitimate since there's no net gain

Friday, December 3, 2010

Tie-Dye Marathon = DONE!

It was a long two days. So fun though!

Since it's been a year since dyeing anything (save for some yarn here and there) I was really excited to do it, but I may have outgrown tie dye in general. Like, for me. Every year there's a few shirts to take home and wash because a student is sick or a student "is sick" when it's time to rinse. I'm ok with that, things happen. Sometimes I even dye shirts for teachers that jump on the tie dye train, only to get cold feet when the time comes. While I was rinsing a handful of them at 6am, coffee cup perched on the edge of the sink, I didn't get that *WOW* feeling when I rinsed off the extra dye. More like a feeling of technical critique of the result. Bummer. They're all lovely, sound designs. Even pretty. But yeah....don't have the itch to do more, more, more. Wonder if that's what happens when you set out to do with "less". Everything is just satisfying, but not overly indulgent. for thought.

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