I'm happy and satisfied today. Madi's second sock is DONE. *DONE*!!

I can't even remember how or why I decided to knit socks. I know how I decided I needed to knit...I had commissioned an acquaintance to knit a couple hats for Christmas out of some bamboo yarn that I dyed by hand. WHY did I have bamboo yarn? I dunno....because I knew how to dye plant fibers, and it seemed fairly simple to apply to yarn. Note to those that want to dye plant fiber yarn: It is very drippy, messy business. And it takes a whole, whole lot of water. Anyway, after seeing the MAGIC of what happened when the artisan weaved my experiment yarn into something beautiful, I became obsessed. I had big dreams of knitting sweaters and wool longies for my kids that were still in cloth diapers. Thing is, knitting skills don't just come to you overnight...but I didn't think about it before I started. Isn't that always the way? (for ME!)
So, as one kid moved out of diapers into Big Girl Undies, soon after my little guy started making the transition as well. My dream of clothing my boy in beautifully knitted stitches died with every successful "pee-pee onna potty!!" My first and only attempt at longies are still tethered to a set of bamboo needles, somewhere in the Yarn Box. Anyone need a rib stitched "O" for anything? It's about 3 inches wide. Heh. To this day, I'm still left with miles of worsted weight yarn. I'm sure it will be put to use one day...maybe in 2012! :D
Somewhere in the hunt for yarn for longies, I also hatched grand plans of knitting socks. Could be I traded someone their knitting skills for my baking skills....I can't remember. And when I started acquiring knitted socks, I fell in love. The colors, the softness, the warmth...I NEEEEEEEDED more socks. MORE! MORE! I know the yarn for Madi's Second Sock (and consequently, Madi's FIRST sock) came from a Canadian supplier on Ebay. I knew nothing about brands or thicknesses, only that I wanted wool. Superwash.
The 4 balls of Canadian yarn sat idle for months and months, until I went on a dyeing binge sometime this summer. It was then that I discovered little "flubs" and places where the yarn was pieced by the manufacturer. I've knitted with other stuff to know this is not the norm, and came to realize that my "great deal" from Ebay was just a "GOOD" deal. Ahhhh, well.
Never had any real plans for this particular yarn, just that it would be socks someday. Madi had big plans for it though...she was enamoured with it from the start. She asked if I could PLEASE make her some socks? Can I have the purple and blue yarn? Please?
Who am I to say no?
So I started knitting. And had my mess-ups. And didn't read the directions thoroughly. And had to go back and try again. The first sock was challenging to just know what the heck was going on, and exactly WHAT part of the sock I was on. I'd knit a couple inches and then realize that instead of the sock coming together, it was seriously distorted because I forgot to alternate the row that needed me to pay attention with a row that was just knit-knit-knit. The gusset on the heel became foreshortened. The toe became stumpy and unusable. Back to the drawing board. After Madi's First Sock came into existence, I took an extended break and worked on other things. For like 6 months. And I pretty much forgot all the lesssons I learned and had the same "knit-knit-knit" problem.
Madi's Socks sat in a yarn bowl in our front room this whole time, and every so often she'd ask when they'd be done. And if today I was going to work on her socks. And how she couldn't wait to wear them. GAAAAAAAH! See, this is what happens when you over-schedule yourself! You can't get to what you want to do because you've been the "YES Girl" for everyone and everything else!
They're done. And they're awesome.
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