The MITTEN! My very first MITTEN!! Answered an advertisement to be a pattern tester, and while the pattern was good...my thinking skills CLEARLY got a workout. But now I know how, and it really wasn't so scary after all. Heck, after the sock and the gussets on THAT...nothing should stop me, right?
Started another pair of socks, but this time for me. And I've got a "hole" from something going amiss with the stockinette stitch. How, I don't know. Was humming along for two inches of stockinette (which, on a sock, is just do the knit stitch until your fingers fall off) and yet....a hole. How the heck does that happen? Note to self: Google and find out. Kinda don't wanna take out all 3 rows that came AFTER the hole. But...they're just for me...who would know or care?
Aaaaaand....a spur of the moment quilty beauty. I think I will call it Blue Ninja. The ones with (nearly) no plan turn out rather dashing, don't you think?

I started working on it just to try out a technique and found once I started, I Just. Couldn't. Stop. So far I'd say I've got at least 40 hours into it, and that might be conservative. Lots of cut, sew, cut, sew going on. Once done, I'm thinking it will end up about 50x70 ish. Perfect snuggling size. I wish I had a sun porch to put it in, and read a book under it.
RW Garden is coming along. Had to take a break (hence, Blue Ninja) from all the precise cutting. Will be so worthwhile when it's done. Can't wait.
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